colin the dog: cast and crew screening

Anna Zhu has kindly shared with me some happy snaps from Monday night’s cast and crew screening of Colin the Dog’s Fabulous Midnight Adventure and Another Story.

Bethany Bruce and Jiao Chen of Staple Fiction.

Screenwriter and director, Grant Scicluna, makes his way to the front.

The Staplers and Grant describe the journey from short story to big screen.

Stapler, Scicluna and stalker.

Boomer sporting star power and bow tie.

These photos are taken from Anna’s blog post about her work on Colin the Dog.  Check out the full post here.  It includes some new official stills and behind-the-scene photos from the Colin set.

I saw the finished film for the first time at Monday’s screening.  It’s beautiful.  Thanks to everyone who made such generous contributions to the making of this little dream.  I’m very proud to say that my short story is now a Stapled Fiction.

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